A website is the most effective marketing tool a company can have. When it looks and functions correctly it does a great job of winning new clients, wherever they are 24 hours a day, every day. However, ordering a website from a web agency is costly and using the currently available free website builders rarely results in a site that generates good business.
Our mission at SiteSupra is to help small businesses create professional-looking, powerful websites at fraction of the cost of ordering one from a web developer.
SiteSupra websites offer high-quality visual design and come with responsive layout support by default. Any piece of content, design and functionality that you add to the desktop version of the site is seamlessly and automatically scaled down for smartphones and tablets. From blog and shop apps to image galleries, accordions and animated slideshows, SiteSupra offers a rich set of features that will make your website both functional and professional in appearance.
With SiteSupra you can create a website that looks and feels as though it has been developed by a professional web developer without having to become an expert in web design yourself. We have designed a user interface that allows you to perform sophisticated website creation and maintenance tasks without the need for special training or technical skills. In some instances we have intentionally limited the degree of customisation to avoid complicated options that waste time while bringing no added value to your business.
We are a team of professional web designers and web developers who are truly passionate about great websites. Our goal is to help you create your perfect website as cheaply and easily as possible.